To My Sister

Cards (13)

  • Romantic era

    Period in literature (roughly 1700-1800s) where writers celebrated nature and saw it as tied to higher ideals of innocence and the sublime
  • William Wordsworth was a Romantic poet
  • Romantic poets

    • Saw nature as representing innocence and having a healing force, but also a dark and scary side
  • When the poem "To My Sister" was written

  • William Wordsworth
    Was recovering from depression when he wrote this poem
  • Dorothy Wordsworth
    William Wordsworth's sister, who the poem is addressed to
  • The poem describes a wish to walk in the woods, which Wordsworth saw as teaching something important about life and human nature
  • Poem analysis

    1. Read through the poem
    2. Analyze the poem's message, themes, and poetic techniques
  • Poem structure

    • Written in quatrains (4-line stanzas) with a consistent ABAB rhyme scheme
  • Poem's message

    The speaker (likely Wordsworth) invites his sister to go on a walk in nature, seeing it as a way to find peace, happiness, and escape from the mundanity of everyday life
  • Poetic techniques used

    • Pathetic fallacy, alliteration, sibilance, semantic field of nature, personification, hyperbole, syntactic parallelism, assonance
  • The poem reflects Wordsworth's Romantic beliefs about the power and importance of nature
  • The poem suggests nature can provide profound lessons and transform one's soul