Travel agents preferentially selected American Airlines even when other airlines were cheaper or faster because they perceived the first few results to be the 'best' for their customers
American Airlines' manipulation of SABRE's results to favour their flights showed how supposedly impartial databases could be used to favour certain data over others
We presume web search engines, price comparison websites, online travel agents and online stores rank results from best to worst, so we almost always choose one of the first options presented to us
With more than 95% of users only following links on the first page of results, entire businesses are devoted to improving the 'search engine ranking' of their clients
It is a method of increasing the ranking of a site in a list of search results, with the aim of improving the number of people visiting a link. For commercial advertisers, this could attract more customers to their business.
How does the article recommend improving an organisation's search engine rankings?
A listing can be improved by using keywords that the search engine recognises as relevant to the site's purpose and by linking to other high-value sites and social media accounts.
Search engines prioritise pages that are frequently updated, which makes sense as old content could imply a company has gone out of business or that information is out of date.