
Cards (63)

  • INFORMATIONAL CONFORMITY - Occurs when individuals conform to the beliefs or behaviors of a group because they believe the group has accurate information or knowledge.
  • NORMATIVE CONFORMITY - Occurs when individuals conform to the norms or expectations of a group to avoid social rejection or disapproval
  • Symbolic interactionism - a theoretical approach that can be used to
    explain how societies and/or social groups come to view behaviors as
    deviant or conventional.
  • DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION THEORY - states that we learn to be deviant through our associations with deviant peers.
  • LABELING THEORY - Claims that deviance is a consequence of external judgments or labels, which both modify the individual’s self-concept and change the way others respond to the labeled person.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL THEORY - The idea that a person’s interaction with their environment causes deviant behavior.
  • PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA - Deviant behavior is caused by psychological trauma. Emotional scars, negative experience and abuse are the main causes of negative behavior.
  • Stigma - Erving Goffman’s term for any physical or social attribute
    that devalues a person or group’s identity, and which may exclude
    those who are devalued from normal social interaction.
    1.) Physical
    • Including physical or mental impairments.
    2.) Moral
    • Signs of flawed character
    3.) Tribal
    • Membership in a discredited or oppressed group
  • passing, or concealing the stigmatizing information - One strategy analyzed by Goffman that stigmatized individuals use to negotiate everyday interaction
  • In-group orientation - stigmatized individuals follow an orientation away from mainstream society and toward new standards that value their group identity.
  • PRIMARY GROUPS - Small and close-knit circle of family members or of friends and like-minded people. Groups with lasting relationships. Occurs when individuals conform to the beliefs or behaviors of a group
  • SECONDARY GROUPS - Large scale and may have membership in other countries. Companies, professional organizations, and corporations
    • A cross between primary and secondary groups
    • Social Media
  • NETWORKS - Set of relations, links, and ties; these are interconnections, ties, linkages between people, their groups, and larger social institutions
  • One important factor of diffusion is the strength of social ties between individuals.
  • Exchanges - refer to the flow of resources, information, and support among individuals who are connected by social relationships.
  • Exhanges can take many forms, including material exchanges, such as the sharing of goods or services, and social exchanges, such as emotional support or advice.
  • Social support can take many forms, including emotional support,
    such as listening or providing comfort, and instrumental support, such
    as providing tangible resources or assistance.
  • social support is important for maintaining social connections, reducing
    stress, and improving mental and physical health.
  • Family - a social unit consisting of one or more adults and their
    children, whether biological, adopted, or otherwise. 
  • Families are influenced by a variety of cultural, social, and economic factors.
  • Families play an important role in shaping the development and well-
    being of their members. \They provide a sense of belonging, emotional
    support, and guidance, helping individuals to navigate the challenges
    and opportunities of life.
  •  Families also transmit cultural values, traditions, and beliefs from one generation to the next, creating a sense of continuity and connection across time.
  • TRADITIONAL DEFINITION OF FAMILY - Social unit of people related through marriage, birth, or adoption who reside together in sactioned relationships, engage in economic cooperation, socially approved sexual relations, and reproduction and child rearing.
  • CONTEMPORARY DEFINITION OF FAMILY - usually related by ancestry, marriage, or adoption —who form a cooperative economic unit and care for any young who consider their identity to be attached to the group; and are committed to maintaining the group
  • KINSHIP - Refers to the social ties and relationships between individuals and groups based on their biological or social connections.
  • In bilateral kinship systems, descent is traced both through the
    father and the mother.
  • Neolocal residence - is the practice of the new couple establishing
    their own residence.
  • Egalitarian societies - men and women share power equally, are
    equally valued by all societal members, have equal access to
    resources, and share decision making
    • Men and women have different experiences within marriage, with the benefits of marriage generally accruing more to men than women.
    • Among married-couple families, a significant change in recent years has been the increased participation of women in the paid labor force.
    • Blended families demand both parents and children learn new roles.
    • The lack of support systems cause stress resulting in high probability of divorce.
    • Single people today are 28% of the population.
    • Men and women are marrying at a later age.
    • Being single no longer holds the same stigma it once did, especially for women.
  • SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS - Well-established and structured relationships between groups of people that are considered fundamental components of a society’s culture
  • The family is a set of people related by blood, marriage or some other
    agreed-on relationship, or adoption, who share the primary responsibility for reproduction and caring for the members of society
  • According to the Family Code of the Philippines, the family is a natural
    and social institution, founded on the conjugal union that binds together the individuals composing it, for the common accomplishment of the material and spiritual ends of life, under the authority of the original ascendant who heads it.
  • A marriage ceremony which takes place with the appearance of the
    contracting parties before the solemnizing officer
  • Marriage - Mutual declaration that they take each other as husband and wife in the presence of not less than two witnesses of legal age
  • Marriage in the Law - A special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered into in accordance with the law for the establishment of conjugal and family life
  • Durkheim (1969) - Religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things