
Cards (16)

  • What is abortion?

    Deliberate ending of a pregnancy through the destruction of the foetus
  • 1967
    Abortion was legalised in England, Scotland and Wales at 28 weeks
  • 1990
    28 week limit was lowered to 24
  • Conditions for a legally induced abortion

    1. At least 2 independent doctors must certify that:
    2. The woman is less than 24 weeks pregnant
    3. It is necessary to prevent grave damage to the woman's physical or mental health, or any of her existing children
  • In cases of medical emergency, a second doctor's agreement does not need to be sought
  • What are abortion laws like in Ireland
    In May 2018, voters in the Republic of Ireland chose to legalise abortion in a referendum.
    In April 2020 abortion was legalised in NI
  • What are the conditions of the law in NI?
    1. Abortions without conditionality for up to 12 weeks 2. up to 24 weeks if health risk of mother 3. after 24 weeks if there is a risk of foetal impairment of abnormality/threat to the woman's life
  • Reasons for wanting an abortion
    -Damaged health -Victim of SA/Incest -Financial Instability -Gov. Policy -Busy Lifestyle
  • Alternatives to Abortions
    1. Adoption 2. Fostering 3. Keeping the baby
  • Arguments for abortion
    • Bodily Autonomy
    • In the case of rape, it would be lacking in compassion to deny
    • The woman might be too young to bring up a child, or she may have work or family commitments which make bringing up a child difficult or impossible.
    • The pregnant woman's health and welfare are more important
    • The embryo or foetus does not have the same rights as the mother.
    • The quality of life could be adversely affected by the birth.
    • Stopping legal abortions would mean a return to 'back street' abortions
  • Arguments against abortion
    • Roman Catholics believe that life begins at conception and therefore abortion is morally wrong. Most Protestant churches in Britain also view abortion as a moral wrong but believe there are limited conditions when it can be allowed.
    • Every human being, including an embryo or foetus, has the right to live and to reach their potential.
    • alternatives to abortion, eg adoption.
    • The unborn child is denied choice.
    • Abortion makes life appear cheap and disposable.
    • People born with disabilities can live full and happy lives. 'Slippery Slope'
  • Early Church views on abortion
    1. "Thou shalt not slay the child by procuring the abortion" 2. The Didache states "You shall not kill the child in the womb"
  • RCC views on abortion
    "Human life must be respected" "Utmost care from the moment of conception" Doctrine of Double Effect-Foetal death only acceptable if side effect of saving mother
  • Anglican Church view on Abortion
    "Lesser of two evils" -"Reject practice of induced abortion...save at the dictate of strict and undeniable medical necessity"
  • Methodist Church on Abortion
    1. Most open "The worth of the human race itself hinges on the reverence for human life of every stage"
  • Biblical Teaching that can be related to abortion
    -In exodus miscarriage=fine to husband -"Before i formed you in the womb i knew you" -Imagei Deo