In Wales

Cards (13)

  • "Fremlandischgehorenlust" (lang)
    translates to a wish to swap around the country you belong to, the fact it is written in German shows how she is unsure of how to express her ideas due to feeling disconnnected to her surroudings
  • "Glasgow", "Bombay" , "Wales" (lang)

    expeclicty names different countries in which Dharker has lived in which suggests it is semi-autobiographical
  • "Is there a name for that thing you do when you are young?"(lang)
    personal pronoun 'you' engages reader as it directly adrres then in order to create a relationship with them
  • "dying to be French, dying to shrug and pout" (f+s)

    repetition highlights the desire to belong somewhere else
  • "shrug", "pout"(lang)
    verb shows non-verbal communication
  • "make yourself understood without saying a word"(lang)

    shows the need to be able to communicate properly
  • "Bella! Bella!"(lang)

    stereotypical Italian phrase helps to visualise the scene
  • "Is there a name for that thing you do when you are youg?"(f+s)

    interrogative mood engages readers and instills the feeling of disconnection as it makes the reader qiestion themselves
  • "thing", "young" (f+s)
    half rhyme shows the lack of connection; how the poetic voice wished to be connected with another place
  • repetition of intergative mood; "What is it called?"(f+s)

    creates the mood of uncertainty and lack of belonging as the poetic voice is constantly questioning ideas
  • stanzas of different lengths (f+s)
    shows the lack of belonging
    -written by Imitaz Dharker
    -she was born in Pakistan and lives in Bombay, London and Wales
    -most of her poetry explores cultural displacement
  • "dying to [..] make yourself understood without saying a word?"(f+s)

    emphasises that she wishes she was in another place where she could be understood