My Mothers Kitchen

Cards (17)

  • What are the themes of this poem

    Belonging, inheritance, support and family
  • When was the poem written and by who
    In 2003, by Choman Hardi in the aftermath of the war in Iraq
  • Hardis parents decided too ..

    Go home to Iraq after years of being away - like many other displaced families
  • I will inherit my mothers kitchen
    The 1st stanza is very somber, even though her mothers not dead there already discussing it. Inherit implies she's dead or going to die
  • There's a contrast between the 1st and last line of what ...

    She can and can't inherit
  • Her glasses, some tall and lean, others short and fat
    Mismatched and thrown together, nothing special
  • Her plates, an ugly collection from various sets

    There's no heirlooms or expensive items it's all cheap and temporary
  • Cups bought in a rush on different occasions

    Done many times before and her mother never wanted too

    Glasses, plates, cups and rusty pots - enjambment of what she'll need
  • Soon all of this will be yours
    It's all practical items, things you need for a new house
  • My mother is planning another escape

    This implies that her mother has been fleeing from stuff
  • What's the second stanza about
    What her mother wants, and the simplicity of it implies she enjoys simple things
  • First time home is her destination
    She's not fleeing or escaping from/ too there, she wants to be there
  • At 69
    It's been a long time coming
  • It is her ninth time
    Refers to her difficult life
  • She never talks about her lost furniture, when she kept leaving her homes behind

    She's had to leave her home many times - she's had to flee a lot, she doesn't really talk much about the past
  • She never feels regret for things

    She doesn't want to buy anything important in case she has to leave
  • Only for her vibe in the front garden

    Grape vines have deep roots and a long life