Types of Data

Cards (9)

  • adv; quantitative data
    - objectively measured, reduces likelihood of bias
    - descriptive statistics allows data to be summarised and displayed on graphs/charts/tables
    - quantitative data tends to be more reliable, higher chances of getting the same findings when study repeated
  • adv; qualitative data
    - rich in detail, as researchers can collect more information with open-ended questions (ppts not limited in their responses)
  • disadv; quantitative data
    - limited number of quantitative research responses (due to closed questions) results in data lacking depths and detail
  • disadv; qualitative data
    - can be open to interpretation, potentially biased
    - due to extensive range of data, can be challenging to summarise
    - reliability of data reduces as open-ended questions allow for a variety of responses
  • primary data
    - information collected for the specific purpose at hand
    - collected by;conducting experiments, observations, interviews, questionnaires, case studies
  • secondary data
    - information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose by a third party
    - eg: government/business statistics, records, previously published studies
  • adv/disadv; primary data
    +: increased validity as data is collected to answer research question directly, researcher can also control the data collection carefully
    -: collecting said data can be both time-consuming and expensive; paying for ppts time, setting up an experiment
  • adv/disadv; secondary data
    +: data already exists/is analysed, reduces time and costs needed to conduct research
    -: decreased validity as data collected does not answer researcher question directly, cannot ensure data was collected is free from bias
  • meta-analysis
    - a process that collects and combines results of a range of previously published studies which ask similar research questions