Each person has an angel watching over them by God's command
Sunni six articles of faith
There is only one god
Angels communicate the message of god to humans
The Quran is one most important writing and authority in Islam
Muhammad is one most important prophet of god
The day of judgement = sent to paradise or hell
Predestination = god already knows my future
Shia five roots of Islam
Tawhid = oneness of god
God is just and wise, cannot do wrong
Prophethood = accepting Muhammad was the last one
The imamate> accepting that the twelve imams are the leaders of Islam
The resurrection on one day of judgement everyone brought back to life
Made of light
Created by god
No free will, controlled by god
Satan = not an angel = called a jinn
Types of angels
Guardian angels = 2 that protect you
Messenger angels = pass on message
Kiraman+ Katibin = record good + bad
Famous angels
Oneness of god. The belief that there is only one god.
Islam is a monotheistic belief
Muslims cannot make something equal to god in their lives as there is only one god e.g. drugs, alcohol, money
A person who proclaims the message of god (reveal)
When god makes someone a prophet to communicate his message to people
Belief that prophets are important for communication between god and humans
Most famous prophets
Criticisms of prophethood: if god is 'all powerful' why doesn't he talk to everyone in the world, can't trust prophets as they may be lying, they are all men
Founded Islam
Wrote the Quran
United the Ummah
Brought lots of the world under the Islamic rule
Night of power
Meditating in a cave, the angel Jibril visits him and dictates the Quran
Night journey
One night Muhammad flies miles on a winged horse/creature called Buraq from Mecca to Jerusalem, he flies up to heaven and speaks to god
The divine appointment of the imams - the leaders of Islam after Muhammad