Galaxies are made of stars, gas, dust, and other celestialbodies.
Galaxies form the universe's building blocks.
The 3 types of galaxies are spiral, elliptical, and irregular.
Elliptical galaxies are circular to elongated, with littlegas and dust, containing olderstars.
Spiral galaxies have flatdisks with centralbulges, actively forming stars.
Spiral galaxies are divided into normal and barred.Barred spiral galaxies have elongatedcentralbulges and the normal ones have arms originating from the center.Normal ones are more spherical.
Both the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are barred spirals.
Irregular galaxies lack a definedshape.
2/3 of spiral galaxies are barred.
Galaxies formed due to the change of densities after the BigBang. Clouds of dustscollapse due to gravity, forming stars in it, making a galaxy.
Many galaxies are formed through collisions of matter with otherexistinggalaxies.
The cosmicevolution states that galaxies form and evolve through interactions with starsgroups and othergalaxies.
Edwin Hubble supports the expanding universe theory, which states that galaxies formed after the BigBang.
Galaxies can interact and collide, leading to starformation, supernovas, and black holes.
Collisions can distort galaxies’shapes and may lead to ellipticals.
MilkyWay and Andromeda are on a collision course, which is a part of galactic evolution.
MilkyWay is set to collide with Andromeda which is currently 2.5millionlightyears away. The Triangulum galaxy might also join this collision.
Galaxies can pass througheachother without starscolliding due to immense interstellar distances.
VeraRubin’s studies in the 1970s led to the discovery of dark matter, which constitutes about 84% of the universe’s material.
VeraRubin discovered darkmatter due to the Bullet Cluster’s collision that provided insights into dark matter’s gravitational effects, separating it from normal matter.
Galaxies can be starbursting, have black holes at their
centers, and are part of larger structures like clusters and superclusters.
Galaxies can be starbursting, have black holes at their centers, and are part of larger structures like clusters and superclusters.