Cards (51)

  • Basketball
    A team sport that is composed of 10-12 players per team where 5 players play each quarter
  • Basketball
    • Speed defines the best dribbling skill
    • Allows players to move around the playing area while in possession of the ball
  • Basketball was invented

  • Inventor of basketball
    Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian educator
  • Place where basketball was invented
  • Shot clock

    The offense is allowed a maximum of 24 seconds to have a ball in hand before shooting
  • Maximum number of players per team in a basketball game
  • Dehydration
    Condition where body loses a greater amount of water than the amount being taken in
  • Hyperthermia
    Condition that occurs when the body's core temperature begins to rise
  • Hypothermia
    Condition of having an abnormally low body temperature caused by prolonged exposure to cold temperature
  • Overexertion
    Condition where people push themselves too hard during physical activity
  • Prevention of overexertion
  • Dehydration
    Condition when your body loses a greater amount of water than the amount being taken in
  • Conditions
    • Dehydration
    • Hyperthermia
    • Hypothermia
    • Overexertion
  • This condition happens when your body loses a greater amount of water than the amount being taken in
  • Statements that are prevention of overexertion
    • Drink plenty of water
    • Know your body's limit
    • Exercise proper posture
    • Use safe and efficient workspace
  • The following statement are prevention of overexertion except one
  • Basketball
    A game played between two teams of five players each on a rectangular court, usually indoors. The objective of the game is to shoot a ball through a basket.
  • Basketball
    • It is one of the most popular and widely viewed team sport in the world
    • Shooting, passing, dribbling and rebounding are the commonly used techniques used in the game
    • Different positions (player positioning) defensive and offensive structure and techniques
  • Basketball was invented by the Canadian clergyman, educator and physician James Naismith
    December 1891
  • Dribbling
    An important skill for all basketball players that allows them to move up and down the court, maneuver past defenders and execute plays. It involves bouncing the ball off the floor with your hands.
  • Dribbling
    • Use fingertips, not palm
    • Dribble on the side of your body, not in front
    • Get used to bouncing the ball
    • Lower your body slightly
    • Look up, not at the ground
    • Switch the ball quickly from one hand to another
    • Shift your body momentum when changing direction
  • Shooting
    The act of attempting to score points by throwing the ball through the basket. It requires the ability to properly hold and throw the ball into the air toward the basket while avoiding defenders.
  • Shooting
    • Half-bend your knees
    • Spread your dominant hand fingers
    • Grip the ball with fingertips
    • Use your other hand to support the ball
    • Bring the ball above your head in one motion
    • Extend your forearm and wrist as you release
    • Follow through with your wrist
  • Passing
    When one player throws the ball to another player with a purpose of setting up a play or taking a shot
  • Passing
    • A good pass is one a teammate can catch
    • Step toward your receiver when passing
    • Step toward the pass when catching
    • Follow through on every pass to get backspin
  • Rebounding
    The objective of successfully gaining possession of the basketball after a missed field goal or free throw, as it rebounds from the hoop or backboard
  • Rebounding
    • Find a good position
    • Get low to the ground
    • Spread your arms
    • Box out your opponent
    • Jump towards the ball
    • Grasp the ball with both hands
    • Have a plan to pass the ball
    • Anticipate missed shots
  • Running
    A big part of basketball, as the game quickly transitions between offense and defense. Running helps to avoid defenders and get to the basket quicker on offense, and chase opponents on defense.
  • Basketball Equipment

    The equipment used in basketball includes the ball, uniforms, sneakers, and water bottles
  • Basketball Ball

    • Made of leather, 29.5-30 inches in circumference for men, 28.5 inches for women, weighs 18-22 ounces, bounces 49-54 inches when dropped from 6 feet
  • Basketball Uniform

    • Consists of a jersey (shirt), shorts, and numbers on the front and back for identification
  • Basketball Sneakers

    • High-top sneakers that provide ankle support and lace up to the top
  • Water Bottle

    • Used to hold water or other beverages for hydration during basketball
  • Basketball Court

    A flat, hard surface that is 28m long and 15m wide, with a team's own basket at one end and the opponent's basket at the other end
  • Basketball Court
    • Divided into backcourt and frontcourt
    • All lines are white, 5cm wide and clearly visible
  • To lower body temperature and reduce sweating
    Use wet towels or a water mist on the skin
  • Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, teas and soda, are not recommended for optimal hydration when working out or exerting yourself
  • Basketball court

    • Flat, hard surface free from obstructions, 28m long and 15m wide, measured from the inner edge of the boundary line
  • Backcourt
    Team's own basket, inbounds part of the backboard and the part of the playing court limited by their own end line, side lines and center line