christianity beliefs

Cards (34)

  • god is 3 people

    father, son, holy spirit
  • father
    created the world + sent Jesus to save humanity
  • son
    • helped with creation
    • died to save humanity before rising from the dead and ascending to heavan
  • holy spirt
    • guides Christians in their hearts
    • present at creation
    • catholic believe he proceeds from father + son
    • orthodox= father only
  • genisis has 2 accounts of creation
    1. 6 days (plants, animals and humans)
    2. earth made first- humans from adam and eve
  • interpretations on creation
    • some Christians believe everything was made in 7 days
    • others interpret this symbolically ie. god created the world through the big bang and humans through evoloution
  • domain -
    humans can rule over the world
    ''rule over the fish in the sea''
  • stewardship-

    look after the world and environment
  • believes on what happens to the body after death
    1. some Christians believe in the resurrection of the body
    2. some believe in the immortality of souls- souls will go to heaven/ purgatory/ hell
  • realms after death- heaven
    • ''way to god''
  • realms after death- hell
    • horrible realm - separation from god
  • realms after death- purgatory
    catholic idea of a place people must go to penance for sins before heaven
  • judgement ideas 1 - sheep and goats
    • parable of sheep and goats says
    • we are judged at the end of our lives (heaven and hell)
  • judgement ideas 2 - parable of brides
    • judgement can come any time throughout life
  • importance of judgement for Christians
    • grateful to god for eternal life
    • motivates good lifes so they can go to heavan
  • omnipotent = all powerful
  • omnibenevolent= all loving
  • ''rewards the good and punishes the bad''
  • types of suffering- natural

    not caused by a person but by natural events
  • types of suffering- evil/moral
    • pain which is caused by deliberate action
  • problems of suffering?
    • if god is omnibenevolent then why is there suffering
    • this can undermine Christianity as its based on the belief god is fair and good
    • christians may believe this is just free will
  • salvation
    jesus saving us from sin + death through his death and resurection
  • attoment = making up for human sin
    important as
    • shows gods love
    • saved from sin and given grace
    • seen as overcoming forces of evil
  • GRACE?

    gift from god which can save us
  • Jewish law?

    way to achieve salvation however not needed as Jesus gave us salvation
  • sin
    ''acting against gods will''
  • personal sin-
    acts/ thinks against gods will
  • original sin=

    inherited from birth, all humans inherit sin from adam and eve
  • Christians believes on sin-
    • Christians believe they need saving from sin so they don't go to hell
    • ''forgive us our sins''
  • jesus = incarnation of god (flesh of god)
  • biblical prove of incarnation?
    • Jesus is spoken off as god in the flesh in new testament
    • he could perform divine qualities - healing, miracles
    • ''son of god''
  • importance of incarnation for Christians?
    • shows god wants a relationship with humans
    • shows omnipotence
    • shows life after death
  • importance of crusifiction, Resurrection and Atonement
    • gosepel shows they fufilled old testement prophecy
    • jesus died to save humanity from sin
    • jesus reconciled god and humans relationsjip
    • shows his power and authority
  • crusifiction, Resurrection and Atonement quote
    ''and the curtain of the temple was torn in 2 top to bottom''
    saved relationship