An explanation for the onset and persistence of disorders that create anxiety such as phobias. The two processes are classical conditioning for onset and operant conditioning for persistence
Classical conditioning - phobia
Involves learning to associate something of which we initially have no fear (neutral stimulus) with something that already triggers a fear response (unconditioned stimulus)
Acquisition by classical conditioning - Little Albert
Watson and Rayner
Albert showed no unusual anxiety at the start of the study when shown a rat. Rat presented to Albert while they played loud frightening noise by banging ironbar
noise (UCS) --> fear - (UCR)
noise (UCS)+rat (NS)--> fear (UCR)
Rat becomes associated with noise so both produce fear response
rat (Conditioned Stimulus) --> fear (Conditioned Response)
Generalised to similar objects - other furrywhite objects caused distress
Operant conditioning - phobia
Takes place when our behaviour is reinforced or punished. Reinforcement tends to increase the frequency of the behaviour.
Negative reinforcement - avoid unpleasant situation that results in desirable consequence which means behaviour will be repeated
Maintenance by operant conditioning
Mowrer - whenever we avoid a phobic stimulus we escape the anxiety we would've experienced if we had remained there. Reduction in fear reinforces the avoidance behaviour and so the phobia is maintained.
AO3 - explaining phobias: Real-world application
exposure therapies
Two-process model explains why people with phobias benefit from being exposed to the phobic stimulus
Once avoidance behaviour is prevented it ceases to be reinforced
helps phobias in being cured
AO3 - explaining phobias: does not account for cognitive aspects
two-process model is geared towards explaining behaviours
phobias are not just avoidance responses
People hold irrationalbeliefs about stimulus
two-process model does not explain phobic cognitions
AO3 - explaining phobias: phobias and traumatic experiences
Little Albert provides evidence
Jongh - 73% of people with fear of dental treatment experienced a traumatic experience involving dentistry
confirms association between stimulus and unconditioned response leads to development of phobias