Marxist view on education

Cards (12)

  • basics of Marxist view on education

    main role is to produce an efficient, submissive, obedient workforce to help maintain inequality and control the working class
  • Althusser's Repressive State Apparatus (RSA)

    physical control through institutions such as the justice system and the military
  • Althusser's ideological state apparatus (ISA)

    control over the way the working class think. Passes on dominant ideology through agents of socialisation
  • Antonio and Gramsci's hegemony
    the idea that the working class have a false class consciousness and false concept of who they are, which is fueled by governments and states and RSA and ISA
  • Willis - learning to labour (1970)

    study of 12 WC 'lads' who had a counter school culture opposing values of education and actively accepted failure. They went into manual labour and created a shop floor culture to fulfill their working class masculinity
  • Rikowski
    education has become a privatised commodity to create profit e.g. cleaning and food provided by hired companies
    marketisation of schools competing for funding
  • Bowles and Gintis - correspondence theory

    role of education is to reproduce the workforce and is a myth making machine designed to justify inequality by promoting the idea that failure is the individuals fault
  • Bowles and Gintis study

    Studied 237 NYC students found that schools rewarded traits that make a good worker.
    higher grades = discipline, consistency, punctuality rewarded
    lower grades = creativity, aggression, independence sanctioned
  • Bowles and Gintis - hidden curriculum
    hidden curriculum teaches
    1- subservience (obedience)
    2- motivation (rewards and punishments)
    3- acceptance of the hierarchy
    4- fragmentation of knowledge (specialisatiosn)
    5- legitimisation of inequality (myth of meritocracy)
  • Bourdieu's forms of capital
    economic capital
    social capital
    symbolic capital
    cultural capital
  • Sugarman's features of WC subcultures that act as a barrier to education

    -immediate gratification
    -present-time orientation
  • Bernstein's speech codes

    -restricted code - working class, limited vocab, context bound
    -elaborated code - middle class, wider vocab, communicates abstract ideas, context free