girls changing ambitions as a reason for girls outperforming boys
Sue Sharp's interview with girls found tat by 1990s, girls priority moved from love and marriage to careers. Links to individualisation of modern society
- Introduction of GCSEs and coursework favours girls
- Girls more successful in coursework because they are better organised, spend more time on work, meet deadlines, take care of presentation and are better equipped
Jane and French found boys received more attention due to being told off and teachers had lower expectations of them while teachers more positive towards girls
globalisation and decline in traditional manual jobs
globalisation means factories move to developing countries for cheap labour and there is a decline in male employment opportunities leading to an identity crisis for men, undermining motivation
science teachers more likely to be men and textbooks draw on boys interests. However, single sex schools tend to hold less stereotyped subject images and girls are 2.4 times more likely to take A-level physics.
Lees: Boys boast about their own sexual exploits but calls girls 'slags'. An example of a patriarchal ideology that justifies male power and devalues women.
Teachers help reinforce gender identities as male teachers have told boys off for 'behaving like girls' and male teachers often 'rescue' female colleagues from disruptive students.