Many Chinese were unhappy with foreign influence and control
They hated the Western religion the West had brought missionaries to convert the Chinese from their traditional religious beliefs
Confucian & Buddhism had been practiced for 1000 years, but were replaced by Catholic churches
They feared Western technology - railways disturbed dragons; telegraph wires were potential
In 1898, Emperor Guangwu tried to modernise the government and endcriticisms of the Qingdynasty by ending its policy of making concessions to foreigners
He established the "HundredDaysReform", attempting to moderniseChina
The reform was strongly opposed by Empress Dowager Cixi
Cixi took control of the government and ended the reform
Cixi encouraged attacks on foreigners to avoid criticism of Imperial rule
In the 1890s, the Boxers began attacking Chinese Christians and foreigners
The Boxers believed the concessions given to foreigners made their lives even harder
The Boxer Uprising began in Shandong before spreading North East
Churches and Christians were burned; foreigners and Chinese Christians listed
The uprising spread to Beijing, where the German embassy was killed
3000 Westerners retreated into the British legation
The Britishlegation was surrounded by the Boxers for 55 days
Cixi supported the Boxers, and declared war on foreigners but were unable to defeat the legation's defense
Westerners and an international force which broke the siege
Many Boxers were executed by international force
Cixi disguised as a peasant and fled
The 1911 Revolution showed people that you could overthrow the Qing dynasty
The Qing dynasty was forced to accept the presence of foreigners
The Self-Strengthening & reforms were attempts by the Qing dynasty to save itself
The reforms included the abolition of foot binding