ethnic (internal factors)

Cards (11)

  • Gillborn and Youdell - racialised expectations

    teachers quicker to discipline black pupils for the same behaviour as they are viewed as threatening and they underestimate their ability, leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy
  • Archer's 3 pupil identities
    -The ideal pupil identity - white, MC.
    -pathologised pupil identity - Asian, 'deserving poor', succeeds through hard work, not natural abilities.
    -demonised pupil identity - black or whit WC, unitelligent and hyper-sexualised identity.
  • Fuller and Mac an Ghaill: rejecting negative labels

    - group of year 11 black girls who were high achievers
    - maintained a positive self-image by relying on their own efforts rather than teacher's negative stereotypes
  • Mirza: unsuccessful attempt at rejecting negative labels

    - ambitious black girls
    -identified 3 types of teacher racism: the colour blind, the liberal chauvinist, the overt racist
    - the girls tried to avoid negative stereotypes by doing their own work, choosing options to avoid certain teachers etc which limited their opportunities
  • Sewell's 4 responses of teacher racism
    1. The rebels (small minority - anti-school)
    2. The conformists (largest group, tried to avoid stereotypes)
    3. The retreatists (tiny minority - disconnected)
    4. The innovators (second largest, valued success but didn't seek teacher's approval)
  • Roithmayr's locked in inequality
    inequality is self-perpetuating, less overt and more subtle but engrained into education
  • Moore and Davenport
    found that primary school application process was difficult for non-English speaking parents to understand. Disadvantaged ethnic minorities. This makes education ethnically stratified
  • Troyna and Williams
    ethnocentric curriculum ignores non-European languages, literature and music. Damages the self-esteem of ethnic minority pupils, leading to failure.
  • Gillborn - changes in assessments
    FSP was based on teacher's judgement
    baseline assessments used written tests as well.
    Change to the FSP disadvantages ethnic minorities who are subject to stereotyping
  • The 'new' IQism
    education puts people in sets, key stages and use exams as a different way of measuring intelligence based on false assumptions of ability.
  • model minorities'
    minority ethnic groups such as Chinese and Indian pupils who achieve above average results. They conceal institutional racism by making it seem that they succeed due to meritocracy.