Erythropoiesis (RBC production) increases, not as much as plasma volume decreased haematocrit and Hb concentration normal
fibrinogen and clotting factors
¯ endogenous anticoagulants
Helps to stop bleeding after delivery but increases risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism (further increased by venous stasis due to venodilation and compromised venous return)
Oestrogen & progesterone - enlarge cell bodies of neurons of the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus (maternal behaviour), increase surface area of neuronal branches in the hippocampus (memory & learning)
Hyperpigmentation occurs due to increased secretion of melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) (secreted from pars intermedia of pituitary gland), promotes linea nigra, darkening of areola, facial chloasma / melasma 'pregnancy mask'
Rare, inflammatory, benign growths that develop on the gums as part of an exaggerated response to plaque. Pregnancy tumours usually subside shortly after childbirth.
Usually in 2nd trimester, hormonal excesses causes gums to react differently to bacteria. Periodontitis has been linked to preterm labour (prostaglandins?)