A reversible reaction is one where reactants can change into products and the products can change back into the reactants
Reversible Reaction and Equilibrium
The reactants start with the reactants and as the products form, some react to form reactants again
Equilibrium is achieved when the amount of reactants and products remain constant
An equilibrium is described as dynamic equilibrium when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction = amount of reactants and products remain constant
Where only the reactants and products are present, it is a closed system. Heat energy can be exchanged and external factors such as pressure can change
Understanding dynamic equilibrium example
100 year 11 pupils (a) and 100 year 12 pupils (b) moving randomly around an assembly hall which is the closed system
When they collide with enough energy, they may pair up to form C (Pair). This is a reaction
Not all collisions may result in a reaction if there isn’t enough energy
If a pair collides with another they may spiltup again.
Overtime the number of pairs (c) and singles (a and b) remain constant as the rate of formation is equal to rate of break ups
Initially only singles and at equilibrium there is a mixture of pairs and singles
Dynamic Equilibrium Reactions
A (gas) + B (gas) <-> C (gas)
Dynamic Equilibrium Reactions
1. A reacts with B and form C
2. C breaks down to form A and B
A and B move around randomly. When they collide they may react if they collide with sufficient energy to form C. C can break up to release one A and B
Reaction starts with A and B only present and as the reaction starts, some C appear
The number of A,B and C remain constant
A,B and C present aren't always the same ones even though the number remains the same. They are constantly forming and breaking up
Dynamic equilibrium
A constant amount of the reactants and products and the rates of forward reaction and reverse reaction are the same
Example Question
Hydrogen reacts with iodine to form hydrogen iodide in a reversible reaction. Write an equation for the reversible reaction
H2 + I2 <-> 2HI
Features of a reversible reaction
Shown with a reverse arrow
direction of reversible reaction can be changed by altering the reaction conditions such as temperature and pressure