taking one of two values, usually 'true or false' (bool)
The data type "character" is for...
A single letter, number, symbol. (char)
The data type "string" is for...
used to represent text, it is a collection of characters (str)
Integer takes up 2 or 4 bytes
Real/float takes up 4 or 8 bytes
Boolean needs 1 bit but 1 byte is usually used.
Character takes up 1 byte
String takes up 1 byte for every character in the string
Casting is used to change the datatypes. This can be done using the int(), real() (or float()), bool() and str() commands.
The exponentiation operator is used to raise a number to a power
The DIV operator returns the whole number part of a division
The MOD operator gives the remainder
Computers follow the rule of BIDMAS (Brackets, Indices, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction)
1D arrays are like lists while 2D arrays are like a list of lists.
Procedures are sets of instructions under one name. When you need your program to do a whole set of tasks, you only need to call the name of the procedure
A function is similar to a procedure except a function always returns a value.