
Cards (18)

  • The data type "Integer" is for...
    Whole numbers only (int)
  • The data type "real" OR "float" is for...
    Numbers that have a decimal point (real)
  • The data type "boolean" is for...

    taking one of two values, usually 'true or false' (bool)
  • The data type "character" is for...

    A single letter, number, symbol. (char)
  • The data type "string" is for...
    used to represent text, it is a collection of characters (str)
  • Integer takes up 2 or 4 bytes
  • Real/float takes up 4 or 8 bytes
  • Boolean needs 1 bit but 1 byte is usually used.
  • Character takes up 1 byte
  • String takes up 1 byte for every character in the string
  • Casting is used to change the data types. This can be done using the int(), real() (or float()), bool() and str() commands.
  • The exponentiation operator is used to raise a number to a power
  • The DIV operator returns the whole number part of a division
  • The MOD operator gives the remainder
  • Computers follow the rule of BIDMAS (Brackets, Indices, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction)
  • 1D arrays are like lists while 2D arrays are like a list of lists.
  • Procedures are sets of instructions under one name. When you need your program to do a whole set of tasks, you only need to call the name of the procedure
  • A function is similar to a procedure except a function always returns a value.