AO3 - Cognitive Interview

Cards (3)

  • Research to support the effectiveness of the cognitive interview in improving the accuracy of EWT was conducted by Kohnken et al . They used a meta-analysis of 50 studies comparing cognitive interviews and standard interviews. They reported that cognitive interview had an increase of 41% in correct information compared to the standard interview. This supports that the cognitive interview is an effective technique in improving the accuracy of EWT because it helps witnesses to recall information that is stored in memory but not easily accessible.
  • However, Kohnken et al also suggests that although more information is remembered compared to the standard interview (81%), often more incorrect items are also recalled, with a 61% increase of incorrect information reported in a cognitive interview, compared to a standard interview. This is called false positives. This is a weakness when using the CI as despite seeming like more information has been collected, if this is incorrect it could lead to false imprisonments and wasting police time. This reduces the effectiveness of the cognitive interview in improving the accuracy of EWT.
  • A weakness of the cognitive interview is that not all techniques in the cognitive interview are equally as effective. Milne and Bull found that each of the techniques used alone produced more information than the standard interview. They also found that using a combination of report everything and context reinstatement produced better recall than any of the other elements. This is a weakness because it may mean that the CI is not used effectively, and only certain aspects of CI is useful in producing accurate recall. Thus, limiting the effectiveness of the CI in improving the accuracy of EWT.