An elbow joint is a type of flexible joint called a hinge joint
Tissues that are part of our skeletal system
Ligaments join bone to bone to provide stabiltiy
Tendons join bone to muscle to provide movement
Cartillage covers the surface of bones to allow smooth movement and reduces friction
Liagaments are very strong and they limit movement
Allows one bone to move in one direction, like a door hinge.
Ball and socket
One bone has a ball shaped end that fits into a socket shape of the other bone. The ball can move freely in the socket, allowing movement in many planes (directions)
Before birth the joints between the skull are not fixed to allow some movement of the bones for birth. The bones then become fixed to make sure the skull is strong and there is no movement between bones.
The skeletan
A) Skull
B) femur
C) Patella
D) Ulna
E) Raduis
F) Ribcage
G) Humerus
H) Fibular
I) Sternum
Intercostal muscles
These muscles run between the ribs and form the chest wall. They contract and relax with the diaphragm when a person breathes.
A strong, fibrous connective tissue that connects bone to bone, providing stability and support to the joint.
A strong, fibrous connective tissue that connects bone to muscle, allowing for movement and contraction.
A flexible connective tissue that covers the surface of bones, reducing friction and allowing smooth movement.
A rigid, calcium-rich tissue that forms the skeleton and provides a framework for the muscles to attach to.