AO3 - Research into Coding, Capacity, Duration

Cards (3)

  • Research into ___ lacks mundane realism as the task of ___ is artificial. Therefore, it is difficult to generalise the findings that ___ to real life examples of the ___ as the research does not reflect most real-life memory activities where what we are trying to remember is meaningful. Thus lowering the external validity of the research into ___.
  • The research into ___ has high control over extraneous variables as it was carried out in a controlled setting (___), for example ___. This means that we are more likely to establish cause and effect between the IV (___) and the DV (___). Therefore increasing the internal validity of research into the ___.
  • Research into the ___ is praised for having high reliability. This is because the research was carried out in a controlled environment (lab). Therefore, the research could be repeated in the same conditions (for example, ___) to check for consistent results into ___.