4.3 Newspaper

Cards (8)

  • How did the Sarah’s Law campaign start?

    Sarah was murdered by an individual with prior convictions for child sexual offences.
  • What were SL campaigning for?

    Create a new law to allow disclosure of prior sexual offences to prevent children being at risk.
  • What methods did SL use to promote the campaign?

    News of the World ‘named and shamed’ 50 convicted paedophiles and put a petition in their paper which they encouraged people to complete and send in.
    Over 700, 000 people signed this.
  • What law did SL change?

    Introduced the Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme in England and Wales in 2011.
    Anyone can ask the police if someone in contact with a child has a record of sexual offences.
  • How did Pat Gibsons campaign start?

    Michael Gibson was 20 when he was assaulted by David Clark in Darlington town centre in April 1992.
    Michael died after being in a coma for 22 months.
    David Clark could only be charged with GBH.
    He was jailed for 2 years and was free before Michael Died.
  • What was Pat campaigning for?

    Pat campaigned to end the ‘year and a day rule’.
    This was a law dating back to 1278 that if assault victims lived for a year and a day their attackers could not be tried for murder or manslaughter.
  • What methods did Pat’s campaign use to promote it?
    Pats local newspaper the Northern Echo launched the justice for michael campaign.
    They published a picture of michael in a coma on the front cover and urged readers to sign a petition demanding for the rule to be scrapped.
    Thousands of readers signed the petition and the lcoal MP supported the campaign in parliament.
  • What law did Pat change?

    In 1996 a law reform (year and a day rule) act was passed.
    It ended the year and a day rule.