FA 4_Milky Way and Galaxies

Cards (13)

  • Galaxy

    • collection of stars, planets, hydrogen gas, and interstellar matter and debris
    • bound together by mutual gravitational attraction
  • Immanuel Kant
    • argument: the galaxy is flattened with the Sun near the center
    • if the galaxy is spherical, we should be seeing the same number of stars in all directions
    • led to conclude that the galaxy is disk-like rather than a ball of stars
  • William Herschel
    • supported Kant's idea
    • counted the number of stars in different directions
    • most of the stars lay in a flattened structure encircling the sky
    • found out that the disk of the galaxy is five times longer than its width
  • H II Regions
    • characterize the spiral nature of a galaxy
    • made up of free electrons and protons ionized by young stars
  • Jacobus Kapteyn & Harlow Shapley
    • used globular clusters to estimate the size of the galaxy
    • the galaxy is around 25,000 parsecs or 80,000 light-years
    • based on the galaxy's mass, there could be around 200 billion stars within it
  • Disc/Disk
    • extends to about 30 kiloparsecs
    • made up of stars, open clusters, and nearly all our galaxy's dust and gas
    • has a subtle swoop
    • spiral arms
  • Halo
    • globular clusters surrounding the disk
    • mostly old stars with little to no gases
    • is where majority of the galaxy's mass is in (dark mass comprising the larger portion)
  • Bulge
    • dense cloud of stars surrounding the center
    • radius of about 2 kiloparsecs
    • contains little gas and dust
    • is where formation of stars is scarce
  • Sun
    • located somewhere along the disk between the center and its edge
    • swirls around the center
    • takes 225 million years to complete its tour around the center of the galaxy
  • Elliptical Galaxy
    • mostly reddish
    • lacks hot and bright stars
    • indexed with numbers 0-7 based on their roundness
    • E0: spherical
    • E7: elliptical
  • Spiral Galaxy
    • has a disk with two or more arms swirling out of the center
    • all spirals have halos
    • contains young stars and sites of star formation
    • more luminous galaxy (easier to notice)

    • S: Spiral
    • SB: Barred Spiral

    • a: large nuclei and few hot stars
    • b: intermediate values
    • c: small nuclei and many hot and bright stars
  • Irregular Galaxy
    • lacks visible patterns and uniform shapes
    • seen as splotches and patches of chaotic mixture of stars, gas, and dust
    • shape could be a result of gravitational interaction or collisions with other galaxies
    • The solar system is located near a small, partial arm called the Orion Arm (between the Sagittarius and Perseus arms)