
Cards (23)

  • CSS means Cascading Style Sheet
  • CSS is a language that defines the style of HTML documents
  • Cascade means appearance embedded in different style sheets
  • Style is a formatting rule
  • Basic CSS has a rule, that consists of two main parts: selector and declaration
  • Selector refers to an HTML tag you want to style
  • Declaration consists of a property and corresponding value and is within curly brackets.
    1. property - a style attribute that needs to be formatted
    2. value - a numeric or text value used in the property to format a web page
  • basic structure of CSS code: p {color:pink;}
    p - selector
    color - property
    pink - value
  • comments - used to describe a code/can be a word
    - starts with /* and ends with */
  • style sheet - a separate code that manipulates the overall look of the elements of your HTML
  • 3 different ways to insert CSS into HTML documents:
    1. Inline
    2. Internal
    3. External
  • Inline Style Sheet - rules are directly embedded to an HTML element using style attribute
    - has the highest priority
  • Internal Line Style Sheet - defines rules in the header section of the HTML document using <style> tag
    - has the second highest priority
  • External Line Style Sheet - defines rules in a separate .css file and does not contain any document content or element
    - embeds the file in an HTML document using <link> tag
    - has the third highest priority
  • rel - this attribute takes the value "style sheet"
  • type - this attribute takes the value "text/css."
  • href - indicates the name and location of the external style sheet to be used
  • browser's default style - has the lowest priority
  • CSS has two common types of selectors - ID and Class
  • ID and Class - they make it possible to specify a style for a variety of tags
  • Class Selector - used to specify a style for a group of elements
    - to indicate a style for a set of elements
    - defined starting with "." followed by its name
  • ID selector - used to indicate a style for a single and unique element
    - defined with # sign before the name
    - can be used in internal or external style sheet
    - can only be applied to a single element