Criticisms of Parsons,Murdock &the Functionalist perspective

Cards (7)

  • Parson's theory is criticised as being too idealistic
  • Parson's focuses on American middle-class families and ignores social class, and religious and ethnic diversity.
  • Parsons ignores alternatives to the nuclear family (such as communes or kibbutzim) that could fulfil the two functions
  • Parsons gives an idealised view of families that does not match the reality.
  • Parsons ignores dysfunctional families in which there is conflict, emotional stress child abuse and domestic violence.
  • Marxists are critical of the nuclear family and see it as functional for capitalist society. In their view, one of its functions is to socialise children into accepting the values of capitalism
  • Many feminists see the family as a major source of female oppression. Nuclear families imprison women in their own homes, where they are tied to childcare and house work.