Dentinogenesis imperfecta: Affecting teeth alone, Due to specific mutations in dentinesialoprotein (DSPP). Osteogenesis imperfecta with hereditary opalescent dentine, Previously called dentinogenesis imperfecta type I, Mutations in genes encoding collagen: COL1A1 and COL1A2
a thin layer of normaltubularmantle dentine (immediately adjacent enamel or cementum), the remainder of the dentine is abnormal with reduced number of tubules that are often wide and irregular and areas of atubular dentine
Primary teeth have an amber colour and obliterated pulp chambers similar to dentinogenesisimperfecta,Secondary teeth are of normal colour and have normal root length, but pulp chambers are reduced in size and often contain multiple pulp stones
Thin enamel and dentine, Irregular enamel and dentine, No enamel prisms, irregular dentine tubules, clefting and interglobular dentine, Erupted teeth are susceptible to caries and wear