Cards (11)

  • freshwater systems include rivers, lakes, ponds and wetlands
  • freshwater habitats are mostly small but most include diverse ecosystems
  • ponds are the most common habitat and have a great value for biodiversity when kept natural with surrounding plants
  • damaged freshwater areas have the ability to regenerate into an area of great value
  • freshwater accounts for 6% of species despite only covering 0.8% of the earth's surface
  • freshwater is valuable for many species, economically important to fisheries, and hold cultural and aesthetic importance
  • dominate the tropics where species richness is high, but high diversity areas tend to be less economically developed
  • diversity is not equally distributed across freshwater habitats
  • the 5 main threats to freshwater habitats are: land use, climate change, N deposition, biotic exchange and atmospheric CO2
  • Land use and climate change are the biggest threats
  • freshwater taxa are suffering from more extinctions than terrestrial and marine taxa