Design, Testing & IDEs

Cards (16)

  • Comments (written with a # or //) are useful for explaining the code
  • Indentation can be used to separate different statements in a program
  • Defensive design helps to ensure programs function properly
  • Range check checks the data is within a specified range
  • Presence check checks the data has actually been entered
  • Format check checks the data has the correct format (e.g. a date)
  • Look-up table checks the data against a table of acceptable values
  • Length check checks the data is the correct length
  • Syntax errors can be diagnosed by compilers and interpeters. They'll be unable to translate the source code and a syntax error will be returned.
  • Logic errors are more difficult to diagnose because they are found through general use of the program.
  • Iterative testing is testing the program during development. Continuously repeating the test until the module is working correctly.
  • Final (terminal) testing is when the program is tested at the end of development process.
  • Normal data - things a user is likely to enter into the program
  • Boundary (extreme) data - values at the limit of what the program should be able to handle
  • Invalid data - inputs with a correct data type that should be rejected by the program
  • Erroneous data - inputs with a incorrect data type that should be rejected by the program