The Oneness and Unity of God. Islam is a monotheistic religion.
"He is God the One, God the eternal. He begot no one nor was Hebegotten.Nooneiscomparable to Him.": 'Qur'an 112'
"There is noGod but Allah."
Supremacy of God's will
Supremepower or authority.Nothing takes place unlessGodallows it to happen. Whether it is good or bad, it is God'swill, so He must have had a goodreason for letting it happen.
"Misfortunes can only happen with God'spermission.": 'Qur'an 64'
Similarities between Sunni and Shi'a Muslim beliefs
Belief in the Prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH)
Belief in the Qur'an
Differences between Sunni and Shi'a Muslim beliefs
Shi'a - belief in the Imamate. Accepting the twelveImams as the leaders of Islam who interpret the Qur'an without error.
The state of waitingafterdeath, where you have a consciousexistence in the grave
What happens after death
1. Questioning by twoangels in the grave
2. Judgement Day - everyone resurrected and judged based on their actions
3. Good go to Heaven, bad to Hell
The bridge that people must cross on JudgementDay
Belief in life after death
Motivates Muslims to live goodlives, following Allah, so that they can go to Heaven
Belief in life after death
Satisfies the need for justice, because they know that eventuallyeveryone will be held accountable
Qualities of God revealed to humanity
Beneficent - all-loving, the source of all goodness
Merciful - shows compassion and forgiveness to humans
Fair - treats everyone fairly and impartially, without favour or discrimination
The idea that God knows or determines everything that will happen in the universe
"Only what God has decreed will happen to us.": 'Qur'an 9:51'
Predestination and human freedom
God knows everything that is going to happen, but this does not meanhedecides it. People have freewill and can make their ownchoices.
Predestination and human freedom
On the DayofJudgement, you will be either rewarded or punished, based on your actions. This emphasises the point that humans are responsible for their own actions.
The word of God, containing the foundation of every believer's faith and the most sacredtext of Islam. It is infallible (withoutfault) and the original Qur'an is in Heaven.
Other Holy books important in Islam
The Torah (Tawrat)
The Psalms (Zabur)
The Gospel (Injil)
When God makes someone a prophet to communicate his message to people
An important prophet who God gave understanding to, and who passedthisknowledge on to the rest of the human race. God also revealed to him whichfoodsMuslimscaneat, how to repent and how to bury the dead.
"He taught Adam the names of all things.": 'Qur'an 2:31'
Destroyed the idols in the temple, demonstrating the importance of the belief in Tawhid (one God)
He is remembered in Id-Ul Adha, where Muslims remember that Ibrahim was prepared to obey Allah and sacrifice his son
He was loyal and devoted to Allah
He also rebuilt the Ka'aba and is remembered on the Hajj
He is God's messenger and the seal of the prophets
Muhammad is the last prophet in Islam and received the final revelation of Islam from God
He destroyed idols in the name of Allah
He won battles against the enemies of Islam
He introduced Muslim (Shariah) law
After the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) died, Ali became the first Imam in Shi'a Islam
Shi'a Muslims believe the Imamate were divinely appointed and can maintain and interpret the Qur'an without fault
The last of the imams, Muhammad al-Mahdi, is being kept alive by God and hidden somewhere on earth
He will return with Jesus to bring justice and equality
Able to receive God's word directly and pass it on to the prophets
Guardian angels look after a person throughout their lives
Angels responsible for recording everything a person says or thinks in a 'book of deeds'
This book will be presented before God on the Day of Judgement
Revealed the message of the Qur'an to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Brought spiritual nourishment, through God's words in the Qur'an
Angel of mercy who will reward righteous people for the good they do in their lives
Given responsibility for sending rain, thunder and lightning to earth