Cards (6)

  • Claims
    • social structure theory, Capitalism Theory
    • capitalism creates massive inequality and poverty leading to a disadvantaged proletariat (working class)
    • it is acceptable to hurt others in the process of capitalism
    • criminal justice system concerns itself with policing and punishing the proletariat
  • Components
    • William Chambliss: massive inequality gives the working class a sense of injustice which leads to economic and violent crimes
    • David Gordon: capitalism encourages self interest which increases poverty and inequality
  • Credibility
    • highlights the impact of selective law enforcement
    • demonstrates how the law reflects differences in power between the bourgeoise and the proletariat
    • empirical data
    • lacks scientific credibility
    • deterministic
    • reductionist
  • Application
    • Jordan Belfort: committed white collar crime and corporate crime, harming people in his business to work to the top in the name of capitalism
  • Refuting Evidence
    • not all working class people commit crimes
    • not all capitalist societies have high crime rates (E.g. Japan, Switzerland)
    • outdated
    • rich people can be/are prosecuted
  • Supporting Evidence
    • prosecutions have been made for white collar crime and corporate crime
    • Lauren Snider 1990: bourgeoise pass laws that don't criminalise themselves and don' like passing laws that would control big businesses or corporations