
Cards (6)

  • Claims
    • social structure theory, Functionalism - Anomie Theory
    • society is like a body: skin is rules and norms, brain is government and the law, heart is family and friends, lungs are healthcare and the NHS
    • without crime, society would be dysfunctional
    • crime is a normal and integral part of society
  • Components
    • boundary maintenance: punishment and reinforcement
    • adaptation and change: society develops
    • social cohesion: the community comes together
    • high crime rates men people lose their connection to society
    • can lead to a collapse of social order, anarchy
  • Credibility
    • demonstrates deviancy and crime can create positive social change
    • looks at crime as an inevitable part of society
    • not all crimes are functional
    • lacks scientific credibility
    • never states how much crime is necessary
    • reductionist
  • Application
    • James Bulgar: led to social cohesion and society developing, led to the age of criminal responsibility being reduced
  • Refuting Evidence
    • Marxism: Capitalist Theory
    • Becker: Labelling Theory, doesn't consider why some people get labelled as criminal and others don't
  • Supporting Evidence
    • Parsons 1950: individuals must be taught to abide by the rules, punishment is necessary to reinforce social norms, rules and values
    • Hirschi 1969: the role of people's commitment to their community, beliefs and wider society in encouraging them to abide by set laws