
Cards (8)

  • Types of Euthanasia
    • Active euthanasia - something is done to a person to make them die more quickly.
    • Passive euthanasia - any form of treatment that might extend a person's life is withdrawn, This is legally allowed in the UK
    • Voluntary euthanasia - a person asks for their own life to be ended.
    • Non-voluntary euthanasia - a person cannot make a decision about euthanasia so someone else decides that it would be in the person's best interest if their life was ended.
  • Euthanasia in the law
    Euthanasia is illegal in the UK. Euthanasia is punishable by law and can carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.
    Assisted suicide is also illegal in the UK. It is punishable by law and can carry a prison sentence of up to 14 years.
    • Hospice - this is where specialist medical staff look after the terminally ill. Palliative drugs are used to help ensure that the person does not suffer any more pain than is absolutely necessary. Staff are able to talk with patients about death and dying and any fears they may have. They are also available to support the family of the dying person.
  • Arguments for euthanasia
    • self-determination and to die with dignity and in control of their situation.
    • Death is a private matter and the state should not interfere
    • It is expensive to keep people alive when there is no cure for their illness. Euthanasia would release precious resources to treat people who could live.
    • Family and friends would be spared the pain of seeing their loved one suffer a long-drawn-out death.
    • Society permits animals to be put down as an act of kindness when they are suffering, the same treatment should be available to humans.
  • Arguments against euthanasia
    • weaken respect for human life.
    • Proper palliative care is available
    • It would lead to worse care for the terminally ill.
    • It would put too much power in the hands of doctors
    • Some people may feel pressured to request euthanasia by family, friends or doctors
    • It would undermine the commitment of doctors and nurses to save lives.
    • It would discourage the search for new cures
    • Some people may change their mind about euthanasia and be unable to tell anyone.
    • Voluntary euthanasia could be the first step on a slippery slope that leads to involuntary euthanasia
  • BT on euthanasia
    • “God made man in his own image”
    • Jesus healed the sick and the dying. Therefore, emphasis must be on caring for the terminally ill rather than on prematurely ending life.
    • "You shall not commit murder.” 
    • “Yet not one sparrow is forgotten by God. Even the hairs on your head have all been counted.”
  • CC on euthanasia 

    Nothing and no one can in any way permit the killing of an innocent human being, whether a foetus or an embryo, an infant or an adult, an old person, or one who is suffering from an incurable disease, or a person who is dying.
  • The Presbyterian Church

    We believe Christians should urge government and society to adopt the other choices that are available for the alleviation of pain and suffering… Facilities like the Hospice Movement should be encouraged.