4.3 Pressure Group

Cards (8)

  • How did the Protection against stalking campaign start?

    One estimate put the number of victims of stalking at 120,000.
    In 2005 Claire Bernal was shot dead by her stalker when she was at work.
  • What were PAS campaigning for?

    Campaigned for harassment laws to be reformed.
  • What methods did PAS use to promote the campaign?

    Raise awareness by providing information online and via meetings and road shows.
    PAS created an independent parliamentary inquiry into stalking. The report was published in February 2012 with the support of 60 MP’s.
  • What law did PAS change?

    The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, which made stalking a criminal offence.
  • How did the Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) campaign start?

    While individuals were starting to identify concerns about the dangers of smoking following a report in 1962, ASH set up in 1971 to push the government to act on the dangers of smoking.
  • What were ASH campaigning for?

    Reduce number of deaths from tobacco.
  • What methods did ASH use to promote the campaign?

    lobby government about dangers of smoking and the suggested reforms.
    Work with many individual organisations as tobacco policy experts to provide information and develop evidence base around smoking and health.
  • What laws did ASH change?

    Influenced many laws such as those in advertising.
    In 2007 after a long campaign they influenced the Health Act 2006 which banned smoking in indoor public spaces.