How did the Protectionagainststalkingcampaign start?
Oneestimate put the number of victims of stalking at 120,000.
In 2005 Claire Bernal was shotdead by her stalker when she was at work.
What were PAS campaigning for?
Campaigned for harassmentlaws to be reformed.
What methods did PAS use to promote the campaign?
Raiseawareness by providinginformationonline and viameetings and roadshows.
PAScreated an independentparliamentaryinquiry into stalking. The report was published in February2012 with the support of 60 MP’s.
What law did PAS change?
The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, which made stalking a criminaloffence.
How did the ActiononSmokingandHealth (ASH) campaign start?
While individuals were starting to identify concerns about the dangers of smokingfollowing a report in 1962, ASH setup in 1971 to push the government to act on the dangers of smoking.
What were ASH campaigning for?
Reducenumber of deaths from tobacco.
What methods did ASH use to promote the campaign?
lobby government about dangers of smoking and the suggestedreforms.
Work with manyindividualorganisations as tobacco policy experts to provideinformation and develop evidence base around smoking and health.
What laws did ASH change?
Influenced many laws such as those in advertising.
In 2007 after a longcampaign they influenced the HealthAct2006 which bannedsmoking in indoorpublicspaces.