sports journalism - is a specialized field of writing which combines news reporting, editorial writing and feature writing
Sportsjournalism - is a form of writing that reports on sporting topics and games.
Sportsjournalism - requires a pile of knowledge about plays and games including rules and regulations which are, from time to time, subject to change and are updated.
Sports journalism - uses sports jargon or lingo and statistical data
Sportswriting - necessitates the creativity of features, the directness of news, the delicateness
of editorials and the sharpness of cartoons and comics.
Sports article follows the lead-body-ending format.
Sports Writer are expected to :
haveaknowledgeofsports lingo
thelead - summarizes the event by giving the significance, the winner, the hero, the score, the place and time or date when the event happened.
leadofasportsstory - it is the attention getter, 5Ws (who, whom, what, where and when)
types of lead:
the key play lead
the outstanding player lead
analytical approach lead
thebody - It contains the play-by-play account of the game
conclusion - It usually contains quotes from players and coaches.
photojournalism - is a particular form of journalism that creates images in order to tell a news story
documentary - to keep records about the event
landscape - photos of a scenery without the presence of people
portrait - photos that focuses on people
snapshots - photos taken quickly
streetphotography - photos centered on the streets
stagesphotographs - photos taken in a studio
advertising - photos that are centered on the product that they are trying to sell
fashion - photos that focuses on the attire than the person
fantasy images - photos that are not realistic
exposure - the amount of light collected by the sensor
angle of light - used for special effectts and also uses the shadows that can be powerful
composition - combining of distinct parts to form a whole
When taking photos consider the
photography - captures people, places and events that are worth to be treasured
photojournalism - captures people, places and events that are news worthy
captions -
explains what is happening in the picture
allows hurried readers to get a glimpse of the news
photocaption - provides the reader basic information about the picture
cutline - a short explanation that accompanies the photograph
Copyreading - gives final touches to an article and removes all unnecessary and irrelevant materials and improves the article