History: Germany

Cards (37)

  • Kaiser Wilhelm dismissed Otto Von Bismarck after coming into power
  • Kaiser aimed to make germany an important world power and wanted to expand the empire
  • what were the navy laws
    laws instituited to rival britian in naval power - supported by the kaiser and admiral Von Tirpitz
    • it provided jobs
    • 1898
    • 1900
    • 1906
    • 1912
  • what was the treaty of versailles
    treaty that blamed Germany for the start of ww1
    • Ruhr was invaded by french and belgian forces
    • limited army personnel
    • reparations(6.6 billion)
    • many germans were humiliated at taking the blae for the loss of WW1
  • who was the leader of the weimar government
    Friedrich Ebert
  • some germans blamed the weimar government for the loss of WW1
  • when did the hyperinflation start
    1923 due to huge reparations
  • when was the sparticist uprising
    Jan 1919 - failed because they didnt have support
  • when Kapp putsch
    march 1920 - failed due to trade union strikes
  • when was munich putsch
    led by Hitler
    • 9 Nov 1923
    • timing based on hyperinflation
  • how was the hyperinflation a self imposed crisis
    consequence of maintaining passive resistance
    they had to print more money to pay workers
  • when was the stresemann era
    1924 - 1929
  • middle class suffered worse than working class because working class had trade unions
  • intoduction of new currency(rentenmark) stabilised the economy and made it easier to trade with other countries
  • what was the Dawes plan
    plan to help germany pay reparations
    • 1924
  • hindenburg was elected in 1925
  • there were 22 coalition government in the reischtag which were unstable.
  • when was the Young plan
    plan to help germany pay less over a long period of time (to 1980s)
  • when was Wall street crash
    october 1929 - led to great depression
  • people were tolerant of the weimar government because it was improving their lifestyle
  • when was the great depression
    1929 - 1933
  • what was the unemployment rate at 1932
    6 million
  • increased desperation led to an uprise in votes in the reichstag for extremist parties like the nazis.
    • they had 230 seats by 1932
    • from 12 in 1928
  • when was hitler brought to power
    Jan 30 1933
  • when was the armistice
    1918, 11 Nov
  • when was the reichstag fire
    27 feburary 1933
  • Goebbels described the reichstag fire as a communist uprising
  • by 23 march Hitler had the enabling act
  • how many left-wingers were arrested 3 months after reichstag fire
  • when and what was the night of long knives
    30 June 1934, Hitler eliminating leaders of the SA to gain support of military
  • hindenburg died in JAN 1934 and Hitler called himself Furher
  • when was Kristallnacht
    9 november 1938, racism against Jews
  • impact of WW2 on germany
    as the war got worse the impacts got worse
    • rationing
    • invasion of russia in 1941(civilian death and destruction)
    • battle of stalingrad(1942 - 1943) - difficulties, labour shortages, women were brought into factories
    • 4 year rearmament plan - created jobs but harsh working conditions - under Herman Goerings
  • nazi tactics at consolidation
    • fear and intimidation by SA
    • propaganda fueled hatred and disillusionment of weimar govenrment
    • large rallies to spark debate
  • nazi ideals
    women - expected to fufill traditional roles
    churches - comply with Nazi goals
    children - taught nazi ideas form young age
  • police state was run by heimch himmler(devote Nazi)
    police survellance - gestapo
    SS - stuffing concentration camps
  • oppositon to Nazi
    • white rose - anonymous leaflet campaign(executed)
    • swing youth - resisted Hitler youth(arrested in 1941)
    • Staffenburg bomb plot - attempted assasination of Hitler
    • edelweiss group - preferred american lifestyle