found near the North and South poles. Very few plants and animals can survive here.
found in Scandinavia, Russia and Canada. Evergreen trees thrive in this cool temperate climate.
temperatedeciduous forest
found across Europe and in the USA. These trees lose their leaves every year and thrive in mild and wet conditions known as a temperate maritime climate.
temperate grasslands
found in Hungary, South Africa, Argentina and the USA. Consists of grass and trees that thrive in a temperate continental climate of moderaterainfall and mild conditions.
Chaparral or evergreenhardwood
found around the Mediterranean Sea, around Perth and Melbourne in Australia and California in the USA.
found near the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Conditions here are very hot and dry. Plants and animals are specially adapted to survive in the harsh conditions.
tropical rainforest
found near the Equator. The climate is hot and humid and many different species can be found here.
found mainly in central Africa, southern India, northern Australia and central South America. Long grasses and a few scattered trees are found in these hot and dry conditions.