Paper 1 Knowledge

Cards (17)

  • Soft engineering for rivers?

    -River restoration
    -Floodplain zoning
  • Hard engineering for rivers?
    -Dams and reservoirs
    -Flood relief channels
    -Channel straightening
  • What is an estuary?

    The place where the river meets the sea
  • What's a floodplain?

    Wide, flat areas on either side of a river in it's lower and middle course
  • What are levées?

    A naturally built up wall of silt and sediment
  • How are interlocking spurs formed?

    When a mountain stream erodes vertically and erode away softer rock, leaving the harder rock behind
  • What is a gorge?
    A steep sided valley where a waterfall once was
  • How do waterfalls form?

    -Soft rock layer underneath hard rock
    -Erosion occurs forming a ledge / harder rock is undercut
    -Abrasion and hydraulic action create a plunge pool
    -Erosion continues until hard rock is no longer supported and collapses causing the waterfall to retreat upstream
  • What is hydraulic action?
    Erosion of rock due to the force of the water hitting the cliff or river
  • What is abrasion?

    When rock or other material is carried by water and used to wear away the landscape
  • What is attrition?
    When rocks are bashed together to make smaller and smoother ones
  • What is solution?
    Minerals dissolved in the water are carried along
  • What is suspension?
    Materials carried within the water
  • What is traction?

    Large pieces of rock dragged along the seabed or riverbed
  • What is saltation?

    Pebbles bouncing along the seabed or riverbed
  • Hard engineering for the coastline?

    -Sea walls
    -Rock armour
  • Soft engineering for the coastline?

    -Beach nourishment
    -Dune regeneration
    -Managed retreat
    -Beach reprofiling