It is part of the nurse’s role as client ________ to confirm that the client understands information given.
Any procedure performed on the human body that uses instruments to alter tissue or organ integrity.
A physician who treats disease, injury, or deformity by operative or manual methods. *A medical doctor specialized in the removal of organs, masses and tumors and in doing other procedures using a knife (scalpel)
Free from living germs or microorganisms; aseptic: sterile surgical instruments
The state of being free from pathogenic microorganisms
A toxic condition resulting from the spread of bacteria or their toxic products from a focus of infection
Any chemical agent used chiefly on inanimate objects to destroy or inhibit the growth of harmful organisms.
Is a substance that prevents or arrests the growth or action of microorganisms either by inhibiting their activity or by destroying them.
-the destruction of all living microorganisms, as pathogenic bacteria, vegetative forms, and spores. BACTERIOSTATIC -Capable of inhibiting the growth or
Capable of killing bacteria
Is a substance that kills bacteria ._______ are either disinfectants, antiseptics or antibiotics
Provides sterile instruments & supplies to the surgeon during the procedure.
Scrub Nurse
Coordinates the care of the pt. in the O.R. care provided includes assisting with pt. positioning , skin prep, managing surgical specimens & documenting intraoperative events.
Circulating Nurse
Stark appearance & cool temperature. Located central to all supporting services.
The Surgical Environment
Where street clothes are allowed
Unrestricted Zone
Where attire consists of scrub clothes and caps.
Semi Restricted Zone
Where scrub clothes, shoe covers, caps and masks are worn
Restricted Zone
Practices under the direct supervision of the surgeon. (handling tissue, suturing, maintaining hemostasis)
Registered Nurse 1st Assistant
Administers the anesthetic agent & monitors the pt’s physical status throughout the surgery.
Meaning “negative sensation.” Artificially induced state of a partial or total loss of sensation, occurring with or without consciousness.
Temporarily interrupts the transmission of sensory nerve impulses from a specific area or region.
Local or Regional Anesthesia
Surgical procedures below the diaphragm -patients with cardiac or respiratory disease