The greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people
Sources of authority for humanists
Philosophers e.g. Singer
Evangelical Christians
Literalists - Believe the world was made in 6 days 10,000 years ago
Liberal Christians
Believe the Bible should be read as myths and stories, not literal
Big Bang Theory
The world expanded from a singularity 15billion years ago
Proof of the Big Bang theory
Red shift
Backround radiation
The process by which living creatures are believed to have developed from earlier, less complex forms
Dawkins theories
The eye - can see the different stages of development
What happens in creation in Genesis 1
God creates from nothing
In 6 days, God separates the light form the dark, heaven from earth, land from sea, sea creatures, then land creatures and finally humans. He rests on the 7th day
God saw what he had made and said it was very good
God created man last and in his image. God said "Let us make mankind in our image.." and told Adam to rule over the earth
In the first account God creates ex nihilo-from nothing but this is not stated in the second account
In the first account God looks at what he creates and God saw that it was good. Not mentioned in the second account
Adam was created last in Genesis 1 as the pinnacle of creation and given dominion but in Genesis 2 he was created first
In the first account Adam is given dominion over creation as he is told to rule the earth but in the second account he names everything and is commanded to till the earth
Reasons why scientists disagree with Evangelical Christian view
The universe began not 10,ooo years ago but billions of years ago supported by the Big Bang evidence shows it took place 13.8 billion years ago
There is no God for atheists. The Big Bang happened as the result of natural processes
Darwin and Dawkins have fossil evidence to support the process of evolution from apes to humans and so the Genesis 1 is wrong not to link these together
Natural selection and survival of the fittest can explain why living organisms are so well adapted to their environments
Humans have been given a very special responsibility to look after the environment to control it, cultivate it and guard it on behalf of God. Not to exploit it.
Environmental damage can cause problems for our neighbours such as climate change can lead to flooding and loss of housing so we should take care of environment and be loving
Psalm 8: '"When I consider the heavens, the work of your fingers what is man that you are mindful of him…you made him rule over the work of your hands; you put everything under his feet"'
Humans have been given a very special responsibility to look after the environment (environmental responsibility) to control it, cultivate it and guard it on behalf of God. Not to exploit it.