Human life is sacred because it involves the creative action of God and it remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end.
God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end.
CFC 995
Human life is God’s greatest gift to us. God made us alive in His own image and likeness. Our lives, then, are sacred.
CFC 1038
We are stewards of the gift of life granted to us by God. Therefore, we must take ordinary means to preserve life such as medicines, treatments, and operations that can be obtained and used without excessive sacrifice or expense and when there is reasonable hope of benefit for the patient.
Respect and reverence for human life – a core human ad Christian virtue.
CCC 270
Human life must be respected absolutely from the moment of conception.
Life - the root of human existence.
5th commandment
You shall not kill.
We are mandated to observe this commandment because we are enjoined to safeguard and preserve human life.
“The basic value behind this commandment and Jesus’ teaching is that God alone is the ultimate Lord and Master of Life.”
–Michael Pennock
Direct offenses to human life (MESA)
Direct killing of the person.
The deliberate murder of an innocent person is gravely contrary to the dignity of the human being.
Not directed at killing or defending one’s own life.
Mercy killing.
Direct termination of the life of a person due to an incurable illness.
The planned destruction of the mentally sick.
Refers to the expulsion of the fetus from the maternal womb, spontaneously or induced, causing the death of the fetus.
Spontaneous Abortion
It is where expulsion is unintentional. It is not willed.
Induced Abortion
It is the intended and willed to destroy the fetus and life.
Ordinary Means
Without excessive sacrifice or expense.
Reasonable hope of recovery.
Extraordinary Means
When used to cure the sick with excessive sacrifice or expense and the hope of recovery is becoming more uncertain, we are not obliged to prolong the life of the sick person.
Ordinary Reason
Means can still be used within the financial ability and here is still hope of recovery, withdrawing the medication will be immoral.
Thedeliberate and systematic destruction of a racial political or cultural group.
Ethnic Cleansing
The elimination of an unwanted group from society, such as by genocide or forced migration such as mass killings, or forced migration.
It is gravely against justice and charity. Threatens, wounds, and kills indiscriminately.
Uses physical or more violence to force out a confession from the victims, punish the guilty, frighten opponents, or satisfy hatred is contrary to respect for the person and for human dignity.
Kidnapping and Hostage-Taking
Are morally wrong. Victims are subjected to intolerable pressure by means of threats.
Death Penalty (Capital Punishment)
Is given as punishment for the heinous crime committed.
Capital Punishment is given to aggressors for 3 reasons:
To set right to disorder caused by criminal offenses
To preserve public order and personal safety
To correct offender
CCC 2267 - Assuming that the guilty party’s identity and responsibility have been fully determined the traditional teaching of the church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty.
The Immorality of Sterilization
An article by Fr. William Saunders of Arlington (Virginia) Diocese.
We are responsible to care for our bodily needs and we must not bring harm to our body.
Direct Sterilization
A procedure which aims to destroy the normal functioning of a healthy organ to prevent the future conception of children.
Vasectonomy for man & ligation of the fallopian tubes for women are the most effective and least dangerous method in direct sterilization
CCC 2297 - Except when performed for strictly therapeutic medical reasons, directly intended amputations, mutilations and sterilizations performed on innocent persons are against the moral law.
Indirect Sterilization
Morally permissible; here surgery or drug or radiation therapy is not intended to destroy the functioning of a healthy organ or to prevent the conception of children.
Ways to show gratitude to God for making us stewards
Respect all forms of life
Set aside regular time for reading
Pray constantly
Join in clubs/organizations that promote life
Keep updated with the latest issues regarding respect for all forms of life.
Silent Scream (1984)
An anti-abortion film created and narrated by Bernard Nathanson, a former abortion provider who had become an anti-abortion activist.
Directed by Jack Duane Dabner
"Silent Scream" shows how the baby tries to shout without emitting sound, and to escape the tools that try to kill him. The modern technology of real-time ultrasound now reveals the actual responses of a 12-week-old fetus to being aborted.
Factors\Reasons why do some people commit suicide:
Great depression
Loss of finding meaning to his/her life
Poor relationship with parents, peers
Feeling of social isolation and alienation
Influence of illegal drugs
Psychological disorder
Killing ourselves does not show love and appreciation of life God has given us
Contradicts the natural inclination of the human being to preserve and perpetuate his life