Crime and Punishment

Cards (13)

  • Aims of Punishment
    1. deterrence - punishment should put people off committing a crime
    2. protection - punishment should protect society from the criminal and the criminal from themselves
    3. reformation - punishment should reform the criminal, making them a better person
    4. retribution - punishment should make the criminal pay for what they have done wrong
    5. reparation - punishment should compensate the victim(s) of a crime
    6. vindication - the punishment makes sure that the law is respected
  • Types of Punishment
    1. Prison Electronic 2.tagging 3. Fines 4. Community service 5.Capital punishment 6.Probation
  • Restorative Justice aims:
    • Encouraging those who have caused harm to consider the damage they have done.
    • Giving them the opportunity to make reparation (ie to put things right).
    • Offering those who have suffered harm or loss the opportunity to have this acknowledged and to have amends made.
  • The victim and the offender
    1. Meetings are organised to give offenders the chance to make voluntary compensation to their victims. 2. It will also involve an apology and explanation of how the crime came about. 3. A practical gesture will be made, such as financial payments, work for the victim or an agreement to attend a counselling course. 4. The victim's emotional as well as material needs are dealt with. 5. Some victims may find it helpful to offer forgiveness 6.Unresolved difficulties can be settled A skilled, specially trained mediator sets the ground rules for a positive meeting.
  • The victim and the community 
    1. Community support usually happens through friends and relatives. 2. the voluntary organisation Victim Support exists to fill any gap by offering practical help and support to victims from trained volunteers. 3. Other community groups, such as Women’s Aid or Childline, also help victims of crime.
  • The offender and the community
    1. There are many projects which try to help offenders, may need help in finding a job, accommodation, training or counselling for a problem. 2.The emphasis is on encouraging offenders to get back into society. 3.Some schools have special schemes aimed at early offenders. There are programmes for bullying, truancy, misbehaviour and school exclusions. 4. Pupils are trained in dispute resolution so they can provide counselling and mediation services for fellow pupils.
  • Is restorative justice effective?
    • It relies on voluntary cooperation. If neither is willing, then there is no option but to let formal justice (the courts) take its course.
    • Has to be a community that is supportive and caring. People in the community have to want to work together for the good of everybody.
    • Restorative justice would not be suitable for serious crimes, where it is important to take measures to protect the rest of society.
  • Definition of capital punishment
    state-sanctioned practice of killing a person as a punishment for a crime
  • Capital Punishment and the Law
    Capital punishment is the death penalty. It is illegal in the UK.
    It was abolished for the crime of murder in 1965. It was then abolished for all crimes in 1998. In 2004 the UK agreed not to restore the death penalty for as long as it is part of the European Convention on Human Rights (an international treaty to protect human rights and political freedoms in Europe).
  • Arguments for DP
    ·       Deterrence-stops others from committing serious crimes.
    ·       Retribution-The ultimate comeback
    ·       Protection-Protects Society from criminals.
    ·       Religion-OT in favor/State can act as an agent of God.
    ·       Cost-Effective-Cheapest way of dealing with serious criminals.
  • Arguments against the DP
    ·       In the USA more murders take place in states where CP is allowed
    ·       Is animalistic and ‘lowers the tone’ of society
    ·       Revenge instead of justice causes unnecessary suffering
    ·       Lethal Injection is unfair on the doctor and breaks the Hippocratic oath
    ·       Easy way out and encourages martyrdom
    ·       In USA 116 people sentenced to death have been found innocent
    ·       ‘Do not commit murder’
    ·       ‘He who is without sin should cast the first stone’
    ·       In NY 1995-2004 and it costs roughly 23 million dollars
  • What does the OT say about CP?
    ·       Old Testament teaching supports the death penalty and lists 36 capital offenses. These include idolatry, magic, and blasphemy.
    ·       Man was made like God, so whoever murders a man will be killed by his fellow-man.
    ·       eye for eye.
  • Arguments against DP
    ·       But now I tell you, do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you.
    ·       Ask God to bless those who persecute you.
    ·       Forgive those who trespass against us