Further evidence

Cards (3)

  • Crane et al (2014)
    Found that for people who have experienced 3+ previous episodes of depression, MCBT reduces the recurrence rate over 12 months by 40-50% compared with usual care.
  • Teasdale et al (2000)

    Evaluated the effectiveness of MBCT among 145 depressed patients. Found that MBCT provided the greatest help to those who had suffered the most number of previous episodes of depression. It did not have an effect on those who had suffered two episodes in the past.
  • Kuyken (2015)
    Recruited 424 patients with a history of 3+ depressive episodes. All were taking anti-depressant medication. Half the group were randomly assigned to an 8 week course of MBCT, during which they were also given given help to come off medication. The other half continued their anti-depressants for 2 years. Mindfulness did not prove to be superior to anti-depressants. The relapse rate for both groups was similar.