Synaptic Blooming is a period of rapid neural growth, followed by Synaptic Pruning where neural connections are reduced thereby making those that are used much stronger
It is the least developed at birth, but as it matures the child is increasingly able to regulate emotions, plan activities, strategize, & have better judgement. Maturity continues throughout childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood.
Helps to develop the baby's growth & cognitive development, helps the baby's build a strong gut called microbiota & it increases the bond between mother & child
Around the same time children develop object permanence, a fear of unfamiliarity people. Babies may demonstrate this by crying & turning away from a stranger, by clinging to a caregiver, or by attempting to reach their arms toward familiar faces such as parents.
Rather fleeting and fragile, older children and adults experience infantile amnesia, the inability to recall memories from the first years of life. Infants older than 6 months of age can retain information for more extended periods of time. Part of their learning is attributed to joint attention, or the ability to focus on objects or individuals in social interactions.
Not only do parents affect their children, but children also influence their parents. Child characteristics, such as temperament affect parenting behaviors & roles.
Harlow took infant monkeys from their biological mothers, gave them two inanimate surrogate mothers, confirming that babies have social as well as physical needs
Integrated object relations theory with evolutionary perspective, infused knowledge of ethology, studied childhood directly & not rely on distorted retrospective accounts from adults