5 marker question

Cards (7)

  • Describe what happened at the crucifixion of Jesus

    He was sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate
    Whipped, stripped given a crown of thorns and made to carry his cross,
    He was nailed to the cross
    Jesus asked God to forgive those who were crucifying him
    As he died darkness covered the land
  • Describe Christian beliefs about Jesus as the Messiah  

    Sent by God to save humanity  
    Miracles and resurrection prove he is the Messiah/ saviour
    We must accept Jesus as Lord to get to Heaven (achieve salvation), 
    Jesus said “no one comes to the father except through me”
  • Describe Christian example of forgiveness 

    Jesus asked God to forgive those who crucified him  
    In Lord’s prayer, it says to forgive as we are forgiven by God  
    Christians are taught to love enemies 
    Jesus also told his disciples to forgive people “seventy times seven” times, which means as often as possible  
    Jesus’s parable of “the prodigal son” explains that God is a forgiving father. 
  • Describe Jesus’s teachings on treasure and wealth 

    Jesus taught doing good deeds is like putting savings into a spiritual bank 
    Spiritual treasure is safe from being stolen or destroyed
    The parable of the rich man and Lazarus explained that wealth has no benefit in afterlife
    Those who help others will be rewarded whilst selfish will be punished
    Jesus said "It is much harder for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
  • Describe the role of the church in its local community

    For believers it is a place of worship
    A place to celebrate rites of passage such as weddings and funerals
    Place to celebrate festivals such as Easter and Christmas
    Provides moral and spiritual guidance
    Provides charity such as food banks
  • Describe the trinity

    God has 3 aspects: father son and holy spirit
    Sometimes symbolised by water, ice and steam
    Father - the creator
    Son - God became human
    Holy spirit - present in the world
  • Describe the resurrection

    Resurrected on the third day
    Mary Magdalene went to visit his tomb and it was empty
    Some disciples also visited the tomb
    Jesus was seen that day by Mary and the disciples
    Over the next 40 days many people saw Jesus