The material or substance used to create an artwork
Using materials, the artists express their feelings or thoughts
Classification of art forms according to medium
Major techniques in Philippine Contemporary Arts
Large-scale art
Traditionalandcontemporary arts use local materials based on the context of the artist and of the art
The waytheartist uses and manipulates the materials to express an idea or feeling through an art
The material or substance used to create an artwork
Various techniques and materials used in Philippine contemporary arts tellsomethingaboutthewayoflife of the local and its people
Using materials, the artists express his feelings or thoughts
The desired artform can only be achieved using the appropriate materials and techniques
Classification of art forms according to medium
The appropriateness of an art material has a telling effect in the process of creating art
Traditionalandcontemporaryartsuselocal materials based on the context of the artist and of the art
An artist must be keen in selecting the right kind of art material and should have a discriminatingeye in choosing what should be used and what should not
The way the artist use and manipulate the materials to express an idea or feeling through an art
It is up to the resourcefulnessandcreativity of the artist to come up with an artwork from seemingly unusable and ineffectual objects and things
In the eyes of a discerningartist, every object and thing can be used for art
Various techniques and materials used in Philippine contemporary arts tell something about the way of life of the local and its people
Locally available materials from the region, province, city or town
The desired artform can only be achieved using the appropriate materials and techniques
The appropriateness of an art material has a telling effect in the process of creating art
Indigenous art materials
Materials that are natural or inherent from the place or locality
An artist must be keen in selecting the right kind of art material and should have a discriminating eye in choosing what should be used and what should not
Local art materials could be a mix of indigenous art materials and introduced art materials
It is up to the resourcefulness and creativity of the artist to come up with an artwork from seemingly unusable and ineffectual objects and things
Classification of local art materials
In the eyes of a discerning artist, every object and thing can be used for art
Local art materials
Locally available materials from the region, province, city or town
Traditional art materials
Those that are usually bought from department stores and bookstores
Indigenous art materials
Materials that are natural or inherent from the place or locality
Non-traditional art materials
Materials that are not usually used in creating art
Local art materials could be a mix of indigenous art materials and introduced art materials
The way an artist critiques the available art materials and the appropriate techniques, as one of the tasks in creating an artwork, gives a purposeful interest and sense of direction to what the artist is doing
The detailed analysis and assessment of something
Classification of local art materials
A sharp or severe disapproval of something, generally based on perceived faults or errors
Traditional art materials
Those that are usually bought from department stores and bookstores
The attribute of an art material's existence or presence for the artist to obtain and use
Non-traditional art materials
Materials that are not usually used in creating art