Ellis’s ABC model

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    • Ellis believed that those who are suffering from depression mistakenly blame external events for their unhappiness. The Way they interpret this leads to depressive thoughts and emotions.
    • Irrational thinking prevents us from being happy.
    • Activating event: An event in the environment triggers the depression to begin.
      Beliefs: Activating events reinforce the beliefs which can be rational or irrational - a major disaster and must always be perfect.
      Consequences: An emotional response to the belief. A rational belief leads to healthy emotions, and irrational beliefs lead to unhealthy emotions.
    • Mustabatory thinking → Source of irrational thinking that certain ideas MUST be true to make them happy.
      • must be approved
      • must do well
      • must give me happiness
      Those with these beliefs will feel worthless and respond irrationally to activating events which can cause depression.