climate change

Cards (23)

  • what is climate change?

    is any significant change in the earths climate over a long period.
  • what is global warming?

    is the term used to describe the sharp rise in global temperatures over the last century.
  • where is the evidence for climate change?
    • ice and sediment cores
    • temperature records
    • pollen analysis
    • tree rings
  • how does ice and sediment cores prove climate change is happening?
    • one layer is formed very year
    • by analysing the gases in the layers of ice - you can tell the temperature from each year
    • the remains of organisms found in cores taken. ocean sediments can also be analysed.
  • how does temperature records prove climate change is happening?
    • since 1850s global temperatures are measured accurately using thermometers - reliable but short term record change
    • historical newspaper weather reports & harvest dates extend the record of climate change other back
  • how do tree rings prove climate change is happening?
    • as tree grows they form a new ring each year
    • the rings are thicker in warm, west conditions
    • scientists take the cores nd count the rings to find the age of the tree
    • the thickness shows the climate
    • reliable sources for 10,00 years
  • what causes climate change?
    • orbital changes
    • volcanic activity
    • solar output
  • how do human actives affect climate change?
    • burning fossile fuels
    • cement production
    • farming
    • deforestation
  • what is the greenhouse effect?

    it takes place when greenhouse gases, such as co2 and methane absorb outgoing heat from the earth, so less is lost to space. essential for keeping the planet warm.
  • what does climate change effect?
    humans & the environment
  • how does climate change affect the environment?
    • glaciers shrink and ice sheets melt - sea levels rise
    • sea ice is lost - loss of polar habitats
    • rising sea levels - low lying coastal areas will flood regularly
    • coastal erosion increase - coastal areas will submerge
    • species decline to warming - coral reefs suffer from bleaching
    • precipitation patterns
  • how does climate change affect people?
    • deaths due to heat increase
    • low lying coastal areas become inhabitable - leads to overcrowding in areas
    • water availability
    • farming affected - smaller yields
    • lower crop yields increase malnutrition and death from starvation - in lower latitudes
    • weather becoming more extreme
  • how can we manage climate change?
    • planting trees
    • carbon capture
    • alternative energy production
    • international agreements
  • what is carbon capture?
    involves capturing co2 and transporting ti to safe places where it can be stored eg deep underground
  • what are some alternative energy productions?
    • offshore wind farm
    • renewable energy
    • nuclear energy
  • what is the quaternary period?
    is the most recent geological time period, spanning from about 2.6 million years ago to the present day
  • how does solar output have an effect on climate change?
    suns energy output isn't constant. it changes in short cycles of about 11 years. reduced solar output means that the earths climate maybe become cooler is some areas
  • how does volcanic activity have an effect on climate change?
    volcanic eruptions eject large quantities of material into the atmosphere - may cause short term changes in climate
  • how do orbital changes affect climate change?

    orbital changes affect how much solar radiation the earth receives - more energy means more warming.
  • what is mitigation?

    reducing the causes of climate change so that climate change slows or stops
  • Identify 3 social effects of climate
    • Increased risk of diseases such as skin cancer
    and heat stroke due to temperature increase
    Winter related deaths decrease due to milder
    Drought reduces food and water supplies,
    especially in sub-Saharan Africa and water
    shortages in south-east England
    • Increased flood risk close to rivers and coast
    • Difficulty getting home and contents
    insurance in areas at risk of flooding
    • New jobs in prediction and protection
  • Describe two ways climate change can
    be mitigated.
    Alternative energy production (solar, wind,
    geothermal, wave, tidal and biomass) reduces
    greenhouse gas emissions.
    Carbon capture taking CO2 from emission
    sources and storing it underground.
    Tree planting removes CO2 from the
    atmosphere through photosynthesis.
    International agreements, such as the Paris
    2015 agreement, encourages countries to take
    more responsibility for reducing CO2 emissions.
  • How can agricultural systems be adapted
    to reduce the impact of climate change?
    Production may move location to suit
    climates. Irrigation may be required due to
    decreasing rainfall in some areas. Changes to
    crops and varieties may be required.