Businesses are always looking for ways to innovate as it can help them to stay ahead of competition, expand their markets and increase their market share
The pressure to innovate is greater in some industries than others- eg. in the technology industry businesses need to constantly innovate new products or they will fall behind their competitors
The amount of market research a company does is increased when researching a new idea -the risks and costs are high, so they need to be sure customers want or need the product
Innovative products require changes to the marketing mix
Marketing might use a different pricing strategy (usually skimming) for an innovative product
Promotional activity increases too - there's often a lot of PR (public relations) activity when a new product is launched
Innovation can mean there's a change in staffing needs - if a company suddenly decides to RESOURCES focus heavily on R&D they might need more skilled staff
HR also needs to make sure that the business has the right culture for innovation to thrive
In a culture where staff are scared of the consequences of failing, workers are unlikely to want to take risks
HR needs to find ways of encouraging employees to take risks, e.g, by rewarding people who try new things
The business wants to see if the product can be produced and sold at a profit
All aspects of the idea are investigated-whether there's a potential market for it or not, based on market research, whether the technology and resources exist to develop it, whether a competitor has an existing patent on a similar idea
At this stage, a prototype may be made to see what the product will be like
They test it scientifically, and tweak the design to make the functional design (how it works) and aesthetic design (how it looks, feels or smells and tastes if it's a food) as good as possible
This is the real "meat" of research and development
The kaizen approach probably won't lead to innovative new products as workers aren't really encouraged to think about the wants and needs of the customer