Pride and disobedience - The origin of evil in the world, the first sin ever to be committed.
Sin - an act against God, against our true nature and against our fellow human beings.
temptation - an invitation to sin
Serpent - represents the devil murderer form the beginning. A liar and the father of lies
ORiginal sin - committed by adam and eve
Original sin - the first sin that brought moral evil into the world
Baptism - the first sacrament which takes away the stain of original sin and floods the soul with the grace of god
Original sin - committed from our first parents
Personal sin - committed by a person , that is, with his knowledge and consent
Venial sin - the lesser offense against God and his law
Mortal sin - serious offense against God and his law
Commission - a wrong thing that a person has done or committed
Omission - non performance of a good act, good thing that a person must do but did not do.
7 capital sin are sources of many other sins and vices
PrideandVainglory - It is inordinate desire for honor, excellence and distinction. It is contrary to the virtue of humility
Envy - It is sadness and discontent because of the goods possessed by another which are considered harmful to self since the goods diminish his honor and excellence
Gluttony - It is an inordinate desire for food and drink
Sloth - it is commonly considered as laziness
Anger - it is an inordinate desire for punishment or revenge
Avarice/Greedeness - It is an inordiante desire for possession or inordinate love for riches
Lust - it is inordinate desire for sexual pleasure and gratification
Sacramentofreconciliation - is the sacrament through which we obtain pardon from God for the sins committed after baptism and for which we are truly repentant and are reconciled with christian community, the church
Absolution - is an act of priest confessor which is the efficacious sign of God's pardon
Confession - acknowledging our sins
Sacrament of penance - focusing on the conversion process of contrition, repentance, and satisfaction
Sacrament of reconciliation - restoring our relationship of love and friendship with God and our neighbors
caring - is a calue that makes one sensitive to the needs of others
healing - means the process by which persons are helped to realize their full potential before God and their fellow men and womem
Charism - special gifts of the holy spirit , over and above those strictly necessary for salvation
religious conversion - it is a conversion that happens through God's grace
Anointing of the sick - it is the sacrament that provides spiritual and bodily healing
faith - it is what jesus asked for those who beg healing from him
Compassion - it is what jesus felt for all those suffering
healing - It is a process by which persons are helped to realize their full potential before God and their fellow men and women
Rabbi - It is another word for teacher. Jesus was addressed by this title
Amen - This response expresses a unique blend of certainly, authority and power
Apostles - they were called to be jesus' constant companions from place to place
Simon peter - he was called by jesus as cephas, meaning rock upon whim jesus built his church
Andrew - he was the brother of peter and like him, he too was engaged in fishing when jesus called him
James the greater - He was a son of zebedee and an older brother of john